Sisters, Tea, and Love

I have written some more snippets or small scenes from Souls Align. I have noticed my brain has been going all over the place and these snippets are not necessarily connected chronologically. Some are way in the future, some of months apart. It’s been a weird experience for me. But please enjoy this and future snippets that come out as we head towards November.

Sera quietly sipped her tea, glancing every little while at Lila. Lila had turned from roommate to best friend to the big sister she had always wanted. Despite this bond, there had been something Sera had been keeping from Lila, but she didn’t know how to say it, especially since it was something she had only recently been admitting to herself. However, she was at the point, where she needed her big sisters advice.

“Hey Lila? Umm…” Sera stumbled over her words, face turning slightly pink hued.

Lila looked up at her and grinned wildly.

“What?” Sera said confused. “Do I have food on my face or something?”

“In a manner of speaking.” replied Lila, a smirk beginning to form on her face.

“I don’t understand.” replied Sera, confusion marking her face. But Lila just continued to smirk. A few moments of silence and smirking, Lila gets up and turns to Sera.

“Just so you know. I know about your crush. When you’re truly ready to talk about it. I’ll be here.” Lila’s smirk didn’t leave her face she gave Sera a pointed look and walked out the door.

Sera sat stunned. “How in the world did Lila know?” She didn’t move for a few minutes. She simply couldn’t believe what had happened. She couldn’t decide what surprised her more; Lila knowing that she wanted to talk to her about her feelings or Lila knowing it had to do with a crush.

If Lila is saying she knows about my crush, does that mean she knows who the crush is on? Have I been that obvious? I didn’t think I was being that obvious… wait… does that mean …. Aine knows too? Sera began to minorly panic. She took several deep breaths and sipped some more tea.

Okay, well Lila knows, some or all of what is going on. I just need to stop being ridiculous and just talk to her. It’s not like she has ever judged me before. But it’s still scary or nerve-wrecking. I’ve admitted it to myself, but barely. But I’ve got to talk to someone or I am going to lose it. I’ve got to talk to her tonight.

I hope you enjoyed this little snippet. It actually was inspired by a dear friend whom I think of as a little sister. So thanks sis! Hopefully more snippets to come soon, hopefully the conversation between Sera and Lila will be included in that.

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