The Incident

After posting about my plans for NaNoWriMo yesterday, I got inspired to write on my train ride home. So, I took out my notebook and wrote! I hope you enjoy. This is a part of my writing project called “Souls Align”.

Sera walked calmly down the hallway, her mind occupied by what had happened the previous evening and trying to decipher what it meant. She rubbed the bridge of her nose. All she needed was some quiet time in her room to think, Lila would be in class. As she turned the corner to go back to her and Lila’s room she stopped short. Sitting by the door, with a notebook opened, Sera could see a hand furiously writing, blonde hair partially pulled back; a single strand, that had broken free swayed slightly. It was Áine. Sera was frozen, she didn’t know what to do. She wasn’t expecting the person who had caused her current state to be sitting outsider her room. Should she turn around and pretend she didn’t see her? As she contemplated her options she heard rustling and looked over at her door. Áine had noticed her and was standing up, a small nervous smile on her face.

“Hi Sera” her small hand slightly raised in greeting.

“Hey Áine,” Sera replied, her hand immediately moving towards her long curls twirling them around her fingers nervously. “How are you?”

Áine looked at her, biting her lip. She fidgeted with her hands her eyes shy and her cheeks slightly red.

“Well, I am…?” she replied shrugging her shoulders with extreme confusion.

It made Sera laugh and she smiled back at her friend shyly.

“Yes, I am quite familiar with that particular feeling.”

And that is all she wrote folks. Sadly I did not get any more written as I was getting motion sick, but hey, I was inspired and that is what matters! Is it perfect? Nope, but I feel good with what I wrote, even though it is not a continuation of where I left off two years ago. In any case. See you all in the next post.


One thought on “The Incident

  1. I liked it! I was so disappointed when it ended! Lol. Hope you’re able to keep writing. I was drawn in and very much appreciated the way you painted a picture with your descriptive wording.

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