NaNoWriMo 2022 and Writing Plans

Hello all,

Today is September 13th. Two years ago I attempted to spend most of October prepping for NaNoWriMo in November. I am going to attempt to do that same thing again as well as plan to participate in NaNoWriMo itself. I am hoping to continue the project from 2020. My goal is not quite the full 50,000 words for November, but rather to write every day of November and if I meet the daily writing goal then I will be thrilled.

My personal life will be rather busy October and November this year as we will be moving again, which is why I know I can’t really commit as much as I would like to actually meeting the 50,000 word goal of NaNoWriMo. But I really want to continue telling the story of Sera and Aine. They are very special characters for me and their story is special to me too and I just feel their story needs to be told.

I love writing, and I don’t want my own self-doubt, fear, expectations, or anything else to stand in the way of that. I just want to keep at it and putting out the story and words I want to say out into the world and if it happens to touch someone or help someone, then I have been successful. My writing is an extension of me and a part of my contribution to living in this world and trying to make it a better place for everyone.

I think I have rambled on enough for now. These are my writing plans for the rest of the year essentially. I’ll also want to toss poetry in there as I am inspired. Until next time!


2 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo 2022 and Writing Plans

  1. Edana:
    I have participated in NaNoWriMo several times, and found that the times I have done well have been when I have had a clear view of what I am working on beforehand. If you know what you are going to write, and believe in your project, it will go a lot smoother than if you just force yourself to show up and write…something. I applaud your dedication. I am struggling with writing my latest book project, and it’s been a challenge. I’d like to compare notes with you sometime. Best wishes. Glen

    1. Glen:
      I definitely get where you’re coming from and you make a very valid point about not forcing myself to write which I 100% agree with. I think what I was meaning was encouraging myself to write every day if I can vs. forcing. If that makes sense.
      I’m sorry you have been struggling with your most current project. I do understand how that is. Please feel free to email me to compare notes:

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